If you're going to try, go all the way.
― Charles Bukowski



You have power over your mind — not outside events.
Realize this, and you will find strength.
- Marcus Aurelius

My “wins”

  • Built sales systems bringing companies $8M+ per month

  • Personally won deals worth $6M+ and growing

  • Spoke for TEDx, WeWork & Google

  • Awarded Euro 20 under 20

  • Appeared on a magazine cover

  • Won #1 High Schooler of the Year in Czechia

  • Roundoff double backflip on flat ground

  • Shadowed GaryVee in New York City

  • Crowdfunded 435% for my health-tech startup

  • Successfully built & delivered 300+ hardware devices

  • Put friends & clients onto the Forbes homepage

My “fails”

  • Shyest kid in class in primary school

  • Attended 4 high schools

  • Fired from my first full-time job

  • Failed 2 startup launches

  • Hahah and I’m just getting started… 🚀

Come grow in health, wealth and love.

Learn the ins and outs from leading experts and explorers in AI, technology, medicine, biology, science, business, marketing, entrepreneurship, philosophy, psychology, faith and so much more.

Let’s help your body, mind & soul.

We learn best from mistakes, but they don’t have to be our own. I’m laying it all out on the table for you with full honesty and no holding back. Get valuable insights from the best and worst of my endless “self-improvement” experiments.

Got a question?
Let’s talk!

Book a consultation on health / wealth / happiness or share your story and I’d love to help you out, maybe invite you as a guest on my show!